Monaco to La Turbie - Fear of falling

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Monaco to La Turbie - Fear of falling

Post by silmcoach »

Well, I have to hold my hand up to this one - fear of falling.

I was enjoying a trek up the Chemin Romain from Monaco to La Turbie when near the top (la Tete de Chien @ 550 metres) I could see the path had partly fallen away. I was then overcome by a fear of falling and was terrified such that I just couldn't continue. I decided discretion was the better part of valor (chickened out) and started to walk back down.

After a short while I met a young man who told me that he walks up the path regularly. He very kindly agreed to let me walk back up the path with him. I thought I would be okay following someone who new the path but I became terrified again when we got to the "dangerous" stretch (in my mind). He kindly offered to walk on the outside, right on the edge! I was still terrified, and he said I could hold his hand to steady me which I did, with the other hand desperately holding on to anything I could cliff side. My companion was very patient as we made it along the 100 metres or so to the end of path.

I felt quite elated at the top of la Tete de Chien, the view is spectacular. We walked into the village of La Turbie and my companion showed me where I could catch the bus back down! I could not thank him enough for his kindness and patience.

It is possible my fear follows a fall a couple of years ago on Mount Tiede, the volcano on Tenerife in the Canary Islands. Fortunately I fell forward after stepping on a loose rock on the path, losing just half my thumb nail. My fear may also be related to aging. Whether to class my fear as a phobia I don't know. Having fallen before, and the fact that if you fell off the Romain path you definitely would fall a few hundred metres, then realistically there was a risk. Perhaps not as great as I imagined. There is a path, GR52 up from Menton, where I had a similar experience and turned back at 400 metres. I might try that again next week, being prepared, I should be able to keep mental control to start deep breathing and positive visualisation. We'll see.

The other great thing I learnt is how kind, caring and compassionate some people can be. With all the terrible things you read about in the news, here was a perfect stranger willing to help an old fool in distress. I only hope I can be worthy. Thank you.
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Monaco to La Turbie - Fear of falling

Post by silmcoach »

Well. it's was the first chance today, Monday and I leave Wednesday, so busy packing up tomorrow.
Went back up the GR52 from Menton to St Paul, but I didn't attempt the last part from the track that leads to Castellar. Lot of loose scree on the path and I thought I'm not even going to attempt this.
I figure 2 out of 3 will do, Eze railway station to the old hilltop town on my own, Monaco to La Turbie by the Chemin Romain with help at the top, and GR52 from Menton to Castellar along the track.
Sometimes I think you have to acknowledge your limit, and today I wasn't going to push it over the top. Settled for a beer in my favourite hillside bar just over the border in Italy on the old road. Nice!
Greatest wealth - happy heart, peace of mind :D
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