Reduce alcohol intake

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Reduce alcohol intake

Post by silmcoach »

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I really enjoy a pint, perhaps before or after a walk in the New Forest. A glass of wine with my evening meal goes down well, especially with cheese and biscuit. On those special social occasions a small glass of port or an Irish Coffee can round of the meal nicely.

However, with age, I have found alcohol tends to either keep me awake at night, or if I do fall asleep I wake up an hour or two later buzzing away. Even the next day mental clarity is somewhat diminished. I did think I need to give up drinking altogether, but that seemed a shame, surely I could limit the amount I drink? Drinking just half a glass of wine is a challenge though, couple of gulps and its gone, and with the bottle on the table ... well.

For me, the solution I realised was to sip wine or beer. In particular, with wine, I don't just sip it, I let a little lay on the top of the tongue and suck in air over the top. You certainly get to taste the wine quite powerfully, (I first learnt this at a wine tasting - Oh, and be careful if you try it with spirits or liqueurs). It was not easy at first, but over the last few years it has become second nature, I don't think about drinking in this way at all now. After some time I began to drink real ale in the same way, but it's more difficult with largers. Half a pint of real ale is more than enough now, and I certainly appreciate the taste more. So instead of 'Gulp-Swallow' it's the four S's - Sip, Suck, Savour, Swallow - ah, that's nice.
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