Woke up feeling anxious

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Woke up feeling anxious

Post by silmcoach »

I woke this morning at about 4.30am feeling anxious. Emotions are often about letting us know how things are going, so I was not concerned about being anxious or worried; nor with my heart racing a bit. I just laid quiet and waited for my unconscious to tell me what it had woken me up to tell me. (Ninety per cent of what goes on in the brain may well be unconscious; sleep may allow the brain to reorganize and inculcate the goings on of the day. Also, scientific experiments have shown that we have often made a decision unconsciously before we are actually conscious of having made the decision.)

It came to mind that my concern was about a current difficult situation. I didn't know what my actual concern was but I switched on my computer and started writing about the circumstances.

As I started to write some important and significant points came to mind that I had not consciously thought of. This allowed me to compose very quickly a letter in response to the situation allowing me to move forward toward achieving my objective. So I finished my letter before breakfast and I felt really happy looking forward to the day. As to lost sleep, well, I’ll make that up tonight. :D

cheers / silmcoach
Greatest wealth - happy heart, peace of mind :D
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