Weight loss; need to trim the waist a bit

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Weight loss; need to trim the waist a bit

Post by silmcoach »

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A recent inspirational webinar (SGCP) on weight loss, presented by Dr Meg Arroll PhD., reminded me that I’d let the old tummy go a bit and I'd like to get back into shape. Couldn't believe I'd put 3-4" on the waist when only a few pounds heavier. I had managed to maintain a steady weight for years, probably because I did regular stretching exercises and cycling. But the last couple of years there have been major changes in my life and some stress from things beyond my control, hence the physical exercise tailed off.

Reviewing Dr. Arrol's salient points my reflections and future goals are as follows:
  • I know from the past that I can get back to a sensible weight and keep in shape. It's important to remember what has worked in the past even if it hasn't lasted.
  • I need to be clear about why I want to get back into shape and decide upon realistic goals. Setting SMART goals (follow the link for details) is a good strategy.
  • Previously I did keep a written record of my daily exercise, which helped. This time I will focus on food and mood, keeping a daily record for the first couple of weeks. How I felt before and after eating, what was the context, and include a weekend which is a different, and sometimes, no routine at all. This should raise my awareness of eating habits over the first two weeks.
  • I don't particularly like "doing exercise" or going to a gym. I prefer to be doing something that is purposeful, so I will walk to and from the office. Hope to also get back into the stretching routine. Also purposeful as my back tends to be a bit stiff when I get up in the morning.
  • Sharing my experience here will hopefully keep me in line, or that could be with family, a friend or colleague.
  • Everybody’s different. I will give some thought to how my personality might impact upon my eating habits.
  • Diets that involve intermittent fasting can be more effective. I will try the 5/2 diet, that's eating normally for five days a week, and fasting the other two. The advantage is that I can choose the days to fast so I am able to enjoy social and celebratory events without compromising the diet. I can of course have a limited calorie (500-800cal) intake on fasting days.
  • Will address those factors that have caused me stress, even though mostly resolved. I still need to be clear in my mind that they are done with. I know one difficulty will arise again next year, but that is irrelevant for the 12 week period I will be carrying out this exercise.
  • I will practice some breathing exercises, imagery, and perhaps a distraction technique to give me a moment to think about what I’m going to eat.
  • Best to eat within an 8-hour window per day. So, I could skip breakfast, brunch at 11 or 12 noon, and an evening meal, or some other variation within the 8 hours.
The aim is not a quick fix, but long-term behavioural change, to get back into a good body routine. Developing my own plan as I go along, based upon what I know and learn about myself from the daily record should help me to become my own health coach. I've realized that I perhaps took my body for granted, sort of ignored it as I got overtaken by events outside of my control.

Okay. I’ll give it a go – starting next week. (Hope that’s not the first excuse.) Next Monday I will be clear about why I want to lose weight, think about what has worked before, and work on the SMART goals.
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Re: Weight loss; Week 1/Day 1

Post by silmcoach »

The most important thing to meet this challenge is to be clear why I want to lose weight.

It is not just that I want to lose a couple of inches off my waist and a few pounds. Events over the last couple of years seem to have knocked my motivation for six. I realise that, given my age, this is a crossroad moment. I either say that's it, finito, just leisurely pass the time until that fateful day, or I fight back against the loss of will. This really is decision time - do I give up, or fight on.

That's where knowing myself somewhat helps. There have been some pretty low moments, but somehow I always seem to bounce back. I think this having to make a decision now is the challenge I need to put the last couple of years behind me.

I do not underestimate the challenge, I also know my weakness. I can become disheartened all too easily, it's like a switch that suddenly flips. But I have the mental tools that help me to switch the lights back on again. I always come out of despair stronger. Despair seems to trigger creativity.

So, that's it, I can't give up now. What would have been the point of all the struggle? I accept that a lot of it was my own making, but why get older and not a little wiser? Learning from mistakes is key.

The first thing is to get back into my morning exercise routine. The hula-hoop is a great start, as it soon gets me going. The stretching exercises just follow naturally.


The stretching exercises set me up for my walk to the office with a spring in my step. A few sit-ups told me why my stomach muscles are shot! (p.s. I never put my hands behind my head for sit-ups; aggravates an old neck injury. Feet under a cupboard door helps.) Didn't eat the usual apple on the way as I must eat within the eight-hour window. So cannot eat anything until around 11'ish, as I will have my evening meal between 6:30 & 7 p.m. Decided it's a good idea to eat the apple in the afternoon, or early evening, perhaps on the walk home. The apple is one of my 5-a-day, so can't give that up.

Need to check my weight: 10 stone / 63 kg. I know that is not overweight for a 5ft 8" male, so why the fat around the middle? Especially as I am only about 3kg above my regular weight of many years. I did a little bit of research last week and it seems that from the age of about 20 we lose 1-2% of body fat-free mass every ten years. (Varies considerably from person to person) That means that at 70 I can expect to have lost between 2.5 and 5% of my body mass (bone, muscle, etc.). So if we say my regular weight was 10 stone, then I can expect to have lost between 3.5 & 7lbs of fat-free mass. So that's why I've increased in girth but weight gain has been nominal. Fat-free mass has been replaced with fat!

Weekend shopping; no biscuits or crisps. Replacing biscuits with raisins to go with coffee after meals. Plain cream crackers, which definitely aren't so moreish, replace crisps.

Monday morning 11 a.m. Feeling positive. Ready for something to eat. Bowl of mixed fruit cereal and skimmed milk. Slice of toast & marmalade with my coffee. It takes 20 minutes for food to go down before feeling any effect on hunger - so I'll resist the temptation to eat that apple now.

Lunch, Marmite on a crumpet, tomato, banana, yoghurt, coffee. No raisins at the office, so really missed the usual 4-pack of breakfast biscuits.

Not to forget the old grey matter. Stocking up on sweet potato and black currants. These are high in anthocyanins, see Diet, compounds that are good at keeping blood flowing, providing the oxygen and nutrients for your brain to work well.

Need to sort out my SMART goals, but bit busy at the moment. Monday, Monday.
Did sort a few things out early morning as I am usually up around 5:30 a.m. That's another thing, SLEEP, seem to need less now I'm older, but won't worry about that for the time being.
Nearly 6 p.m. now. Will walk home for my evening meal to finish before 7 p.m., within the 8-hour eating window. Pasta with mixed beans & Fiery Chilli Sauce. Apricots (tinned) for desert, coffee & raisins. Mood, bit tired, but generally okay. That'll be it for today.
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Re: Weight loss; Week 1/Day 2

Post by silmcoach »

Slept better last night - maybe the exercise. Repeated this morning.

Okay, now the SMART goals.

[Neenan & Dryden suggest the SMART goal technique is okay for up to three months. So that's just right for this exercise. For the longer-term, the SMART model is too simplistic. Goal Theory is quite complex, see Goal-focussed Coaching.]
  • Specific - Lose 7lbs in weight; Reduce waste to 32" with muscle visible
  • Measurable - both specific goals are measurable
  • Achievable - I think that the goals are achievable
  • Realistic - I think they are realistic, but muscle visible may be over optimistic due to surplus skin
  • Timebound - I have set a time period of 12 weeks to achieve my goals
I noticed yesterday that my motivation was increased. The very exercise of deciding to positively focus on the future was enough to change my perspective and raise my mood. Office wise, I am aware that my focus on tasks does drift a bit, inclined to check the news, markets, email, perhaps a little too often - perhaps avoiding challenging tasks. I do put some of that down to aging. I can get a bit bored working on a computer all day, and food, or just a coffee and biscuits is a way of having a break.

I also noticed that after my evening meal I do rather crave something sweet, particularly choccy biscuits. Trouble is, a little too often I would eat the whole pack. The only answer is to just not buy them in the first place. It's a lot easier than having them in the cupboard and saying, no, just two. I fail miserably trying that technique. Self-discipline, uh, what self-discipline?
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Re: Weight loss; Week 1/Day 4 (Fasting 1)

Post by silmcoach »

Well yesterday (Day 3) I did feel hungry in the morning. I battled a little to not eat anything before 11 a.m. Couple of cups of coffee in the office helped, and my cereal went down a treat after 11 a.m.

I think the mood side is important to acknowledge. On Monday my battle with a social media company hosting a "fake" site using the SILM® name continued, and the frustration of banging my head against a digital wall brought back feelings associated with a similar experience some 15 months earlier. The government department, with which I previously had dealt with in person, had introduced a new online system that was proving very difficult to use. The problem was ongoing for several months, with serious financial consequences. I eventually managed to get in touch with the right people in different departments around the UK, and although the situation was resolved in the end, it had a lasting effect on my psychological well-being. The current situation brought it all back, to the extent that Tuesday night I woke with a severe headache at 4 a.m. I have been struggling to resolve the current situation for four months now, and direct human contact seems impossible.

Now, to return to my dieting exercise, I have to consider the part my personality plays in all this. My personality type is INTA. I am aware of my mental faculties tailing off a bit as I have aged. I have always been a bit of a "one thing at a time person", and I am perhaps over-sensitive to things, which is great when going for a walk in the New Forest, but not so good with digital walls. In fact, digital technology is a complete anathema to me, especially when it goes wrong; an evil necessity, totally contrary to my personality and the way in which I relate to the world. I realise now that food, and especially choccy biscuits give me a sense of being satisfied, even a sense of having succeeded. This is related to my childhood, a lack of care and attention, and certainly no treats. I didn't get pocket money, so I did a paper round and treated myself to a little bit of chocolate.

Well that's enough of the psychology. I've been invited to lunch on Sunday, so Saturday will be my second fasting day. I don't want to fast two days in a row, so that means today has to be a fasting day. When I get in the office later I'll work out what I can eat within the 500-800 calorie range.
  • 11 a.m. Breakfast: Waitrose berry fruit muesli 50kcal; Slice brown toast and marmalade 100kcal
  • 1:30 p.m. Lunch: Slice brown toast and Marmite 100kcal; Banana 105 kcal; Asda Low Fat Fruit Yogurt 90kcal
  • 6:30 p.m. Evening Meal: Baxters Hearty Tomato, chorizo & mixed bean soup (3-a-day) 230kcal; Slice Leerdammer cheese & two cream crackers 110kcal; 30g raisins 50cal with my coffee
Appreciate slightly over the 800kcal (835kcal) - taking it gently for first fasting day

I skipped the morning stretching on Day 3. That was the morning after the night headache which left me feeling totally deflated and down. It's interesting how everything seems to be inter-related. Mind, body, mood, relationships, experience in the world, past and future goals.
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Re: Weight loss; Week 1/Day 5

Post by silmcoach »

Day 5 - how time flies.

First off, an apology. On checking, cream crackers are 35 kcal each. I guessed 5-10 kcal each. So I have to add 60kcal to yesterday's calorie count, which puts me well over the 800kcal max at just under 900kcal. What do I remember about school reports? '...must try harder'. Okay, will make amends on Saturday, I'll go for 700kcal.

Did my hula-hoop and stretching. Pushed myself a little harder to get the heart rate up to more than +25%. That is, usual resting heart-rate is 55-60 per minute, after it was 90pm. So that's good. Walked to the office at a brisk pace after.

Well, I feel positive and stronger. Taking personal stock I have come to appreciate my over-reaction to things. Yesterday I made a bit of a boo-boo on the website which, because in certain areas an alteration on one page carries across to all other pages, I was devastated because I didn't know what I'd done to cause the problem, and, stupid boy, I had forgotten to save a BU before I started editing. That 'fight or flight' response kicked in (panic), which meant that I found it difficult to think in terms of rationally solving the problem. As Susan Greenfield writes, the more you have of emotion the less you have of rational thought, and vice versa.

Anyway, I resolved to tackle the problem logically, by comparing current code with that of a previous version BU. It will take a little time, but a least I will be working towards solving the problem rather than being stuck in shock and doing nothing, or grazing on biscuits round the tele! The same applies to the current social media site problem. No point in getting defensively angry about it, just deal with it rationally and calmly.

Well, it's 11:15, and I think I've earnt breakies. Ooh, I can just taste the marmalade, and my mouth is genuinely watering. Slight hunger pains.
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Re: Weight loss; Week 1/Day 6 (Fasting 2)

Post by silmcoach »

Well, the first fasting day raised my awareness about an eating pattern. Because I was focused on the calorie count I didn't notice any particular desire to eat after the cheese and biscuits ending the evening meal. I knew I'd reached my limit.

However, Friday went well. My rational approach to resolving the website problem was successful, and I'd figured out the best way to deal with the social media problem. As I walked home l was quite pleased with my day and looking forward to the evening meal. My favourite, pasta, mixed bean and chilli sauce went down well, followed by tinned apricots. The cheese was finished, but I thought I'll just have a couple of crackers. Well, that's when the struggle began. I had a couple and then I couldn't stop. I had felt a little guilty eating the pasta, enjoying it, but the compulsion to keep eating the cream crackers was very powerful. I could tell, it was like wanting to keep eating until I felt bloated. I guess that is what is meant by binge eating.

I am not sure if this is physiological, or psychological. I just feel this is the important question, but one I can't answer at the moment. I will have to remain aware of my feelings after the evening meal. This awareness, or mindfulness if you like, is something that has slipped over the last couple of years.

A major building project left me with a back injury. Recovering, I then got involved with a nightmare situation abroad trying to help someone, and I had to extricate myself pretty promptly. I returned to a planning problem which led to the Business Rates issue. That's when mindfulness went out the window.

I think this is a case of physician heal thyself, or in my case, coach, coach thyself.

I managed myself over the last couple of years, I just wasn't proactive in tackling the real cause - how my response to life events changed after retiring from my University post. Thinking about it, my reaction to events triggering the fight or flight response goes back to my hike up to La Turbie. I think that the change I have noticed in my mental faculties, needing to consciously manage my behaviour more, is also allowing unconscious fears to surface. It's possible that is also impacting on my eating behaviour.

From another perspective, evolutionary psychology, you could say I'm eating while food is readily available, and stocking up before doing battle against a perceived threat.
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Re: Weight loss; Week 1/Day 7.

Post by silmcoach »

(Looking back on my activity Day 6)

After writing yesterday morning I decided to set off early for my Saturday hike before the forecast rain. I was early for my hourly return bus, so I had a nice cup of coffee and an apple slice around 11:30 a.m. Decided to spend the rest of the day in, reading Inspector Montabalno. Lunch was egg on toast and quarter tin of apricots. Enjoyed a Women's World Cup football match late afternoon.

FOOD (yesterday)
For my evening meal I had the usual pasta meal. Total kcal intake around 800 kcal again.

Felt relaxed and (sounds pretentious) content. Kept nodding off through the afternoon though. Had no inclination to pig out on cream crackers after my evening meal.


(Day 7 morning)

Because I had had a nap in the afternoon I didn't sleep much Saturday night. So up this morning around 4:20 a.m. I really do need more activity, will get in some cycling in Week 2.

Barbecue for lunch today. Will be good to see old friends. As not a fasting day 😊 I'll not have to worry about what I eat. Will visit a relative, who I am pleased to say is recuperating from a major operation, on the way. Such events remind me to appreciate my health. Glad I am on this program.

Fruit and berry muesli, milk.
Chicken, beef burger, sausage, lamb something on a stick. Salad, new potatoes, beetroot. Apple crumble, strawberries and cream. Cheese and biscuits. Half pint of beer, glass of wine, coffee.

Happy, before and after barbecue. It was a great afternoon, chatting away with friends about the goings on in the world and respective families. Contented reading Sunday paper early evening at home. Just a few raisins and coffee in the evening.
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Re: Weight loss; Week 2/Day 8

Post by silmcoach »

Didn't eat an evening meal Day 7, after the substantial barbecue lunch. Didn't sleep so well through the night though, stomach a bit solid, slight pain. I've never been very good digesting meat.

Today, back into the old routine. Exercise, walk to office. Might break things up with a cycle ride lunchtime.

Fruit and berry muesli, milk 11 a.m.
Lunch, crumpet with Marmite, tomato, banana, low fat yoghurt.
Evening meal, pea & ham soup, 2 slices toast, yoghurt, raisins with coffee.

Fine before and after lunch. Although tried to finish a library book that I needed to return today, but kept nodding off. Managed in the end.
Afternoon busy Fb acc. Mood steady before and after evening meal.

Didn't manage the bike ride. It's that one thing at a time thing - must start so that I sleep at night and don't nod off in the day. Walked home, half-pint on way.
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Re: Weight loss; Week 2/Day 9

Post by silmcoach »

Seem to be settling into a routine now. Had a reasonable nights sleep. Reading new book 'The Inspired Leader' by Andy Bird).

Morning exercise around 8 a.m. Hula hoop first, Fat Boy Slim on the i-Pod gets me going - then chill out with the stretching.

Walk to office, breakfast around 11 a.m. Just need to get on that bike lunch time.

Given that I prefer exercise to be purposeful, it has occurred to me that relatives and friends I intend to visit this summer are within cycling range (30 miles away). That's a target range I could build up to. A second purpose is to save petrol. Those trips would use £12 of petrol each.

6:45 p.m. Rained off - so no cycling today. Meant I was stuck on the computer all day. It gets me down. So that was my mood before my evening meal, and for the first time I felt really hungry and woofed down my pasta, followed by apricots. Could be an extra helping of raisins with my coffee.

No doubt about it, feel a lot happier after eating. Food definitely raises my mood. I could woof down some choccy biscuits now. If I wasn't on this diet I would walk to the shop and buy some.
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Re: Weight loss; Week 2/Day 10 (Fasting 3)

Post by silmcoach »

Think I will make this a fasting day.

Towards the end of the evening (Day 9) I was aware of being down in mood watching the TV. I decided to turn it off and face my feelings. The fact is I was still upset about the social media issue. I think that's the reason I decided to make today a fasting day 😊. I gain a sense of being in control.

I have decided to take today off, (I realise I am very fortunate to be able to do this). This is my day, and if I am going to jump through any hoops it will be those of my own making.

Forecast is only a twenty percent chance of rain, so I am going out on my bike for the day. I will cycle round to Corfe Castle, have half a pint and a portion of chips for lunch, then leisurely cycle back via the Sandbanks Ferry and along the promenade to Bournemouth.

This is my life, my world, and I'll do what I want, not afraid of whether I am excluded on some arbitrary, exploitative, internet platform.

Rain shower, waiting before I set off. Ah, I'll try and find that program that explains the Aboriginal sense known as Leean (I don't know how it's spelt). Found it, and transcribed.

5 p.m. Well the showers were pretty continuous, so unfortunately the cycle ride was put off until tomorrow. But I was really pleased to finally write up the Aboriginal post, it meant such a lot to me, to hear someone describe a "sense" that I have had all my life. (It is in fact why I went to see a psychologist in the first place.) He described similar events in his earlier life in South Africa, how workers on the huge estate would all meet up for gatherings on the right day and yet they had no means of contacting each other to arrange what day. Another time he was asked by a worker if he would take him to see his sick mother. My mentor asked how he knew his mother was ill, and he said he had had a dream. As they were heading out along the track they met a group pulling his mother on a sledge towards the estate office. I also told my mentor about a dream I had of a chapel attached to a house. As I described the place in more detail he told me that he had viewed such a house with his grandfather who was thinking of buying it.

I feel I have been blessed to have had this "leean" experience most of my life, as when I walk in the New Forest. It's something I lost over the last couple of years. This realisation makes me feel, I don't know, a sense of loss, but revealing a path back to being me.

Only a walk to and from the office.

I feel lifted, bit of an Ah-Ah moment.

Small bowl of muesli about 11 a.m. Marmite on a crumpet for lunch, tomato, banana, light yoghurt.
This evening I shall just have a tin of pea & ham soup, slice of brown toast, apricots, raisins with a coffee.
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Re: Weight loss; Week 2/Day 11

Post by silmcoach »

3:30 a.m.
Wide awake, know I desperately need some exercise. Absolutely must get on my bike today.

The first half of my life I was very active and slept soundly every night. From the moment I started studying psychology, reading books all day, my sleep pattern became irregular. I found the best solution was cycling, as jogging was painful on the knees.

Physical exercise causes the body to produce endorphins, natural opiates that can result in "athletes high", a kind of euphoria and heightened sensitivity to the environment (see "Leean"; and "flow"). Sitting in front of a computer all day has the opposite effect for me. Eating becomes an easy reward. Without the need for the physical effort there is no burning off of calories, as would have been the case for early hunter gatherers (an evolutionary psychology perspective).

The World in which we live has changed, making the sourcing of food easier, without the need for physical activity. But the physical body has not changed at all. It starts out the same sleek hunting machine as it ever was, but the demands put upon it are minimal. As the phrase goes, use it or lose it.
(Note: This is a personal view, just making sense of my situation in the World, and it does not necessarily apply to anyone else.)

11 a.m. Unbelievable, heavy showers, when am I getting out on that bike. Think I need to clear the shed and get the trainer frame set-up so I can ride on the spot.

Muesli breakfast. Lunch, the usual, same evening meal.

Was positive after morning exercise. The new webpage on fb seems to be okay and my personal account is open. Still trying to resolve the unauthorised site problem, but not negatively affected by that. Quite happy before and after lunch.

Weather cleared up, so finally managed to get out on the bike. Did the prom run. All in all a good day.
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Re: Weight loss; Week 2/ Day 12 (Fasting 4)

Post by silmcoach »

Need to do some gardening today, lawn and hedges. Decided to make it a fasting day as I will be physically active focusing on tasks.

Feeling positive, ready for the day.

So busy with the gardening (in front of the office) that I didn't think about eating until lunch time. Just had Marmite on a crumpet and a banana. One sin, I did have a choc ice in the afternoon, but only a bowl of soup and one slice of toast for my evening meal

After lunch I took the hedge cuttings and some rubble to the tip. As I was out that way I decided to go to a local stately home to enjoy it's lovely garden. It is very peaceful there and I enjoyed some "Leean" time, looking down on the Japanese garden.

Wondering back to the car l couldn't help thinking about the inequality of those times, pre-First World War. Yes, the house and grounds are beautiful, but the hoi polloi (deprecation of the working class, one of which I am heritage wise*) never got to enjoy it.
(*Having read my father's memoir of his childhood experience in the East End of London before and during the First World War.)

So home, as usual, round the Tele. Guess its a bit lacking, but I find it difficult to read or meditate at night. I guess it's how I keep in touch with the world, and it's company in a sense.
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Re: Weight loss; Week /Day 13

Post by silmcoach »

Last weekend of the 2-week diary. Relaxed this morning after a good nights sleep (all that exercise gardening). At last, forecast sun all day. Will head for the beach. I cycle there, so that will be my exercise for the day.

Peaceful. 8 a.m. now, so bit of a wait for breakfast (11 a.m.) It's nice to just sit here peacefully though.

Muesli before I set off for the beach. Now I usually take a drink and biscuits. Guess that's gonna have to be a banana. En route I popped in to get a bottled drink, sneaked in a pasty and Bounty bar. On cycle home had a pint and a packet of crisps. Supper, l had mackerel in tomato sauce with mixed veg, apricots and an apple.
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Re: Weight loss; Week 2/Day 14

Post by silmcoach »

Well I haven't lost any weight over the last couple of weeks. That doesn't bother me because I feel I've lost a lot of mental weight and that I am more positive about moving forward.

I think I've changed my relationship to food, no longer eating for comfort (chocolate biscuits), more sense of control now. Got a great new routine set up (5 days a week eat as I want, within an 8-hour window, and 2 days fasting, prepared to eat less and exercise more to achieve my goals. Best of all, I'm feeling happier.

I'll check in every couple of weeks to record my progress.
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Re: Weight loss; Week 3 - target reached!

Post by silmcoach »

Was going to report every 2 weeks, but pleased to say after one more week I have actually lost the 7lbs targeted weight loss.

I'm assuming it took a couple of weeks for my body to switch to burning body fat after the reduction in food intake over the first two weeks. Less movement on the other target of losing 2-3 inches off the waste - have managed only an inch - but personally I am very satisfied with that. Plenty of lose skin though, so more stretching and abdominal exercise needed for that to shrink back. Think that will be the challenge over the next nine weeks.

I did reduce my calorie intake most days to around a 1,000 to 1,200 kcal, and made sure I did not exceed 800 kcal on the two fasting days. No snacking on raisins either. Also upped the cycling distance. Don't feel I pushing myself much though, may be the hot weather, makes me a bit lethargic.

But must not be complacent, I know that there is every possibility of falling off the wagon around week 6. This is apparently quite common with dieting - so I'm prepared for that.
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