Robots: Intelligent, Conscious, Human?

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Robots: Intelligent, Conscious, Human?

Post by silmcoach »

While walking through the old Fort above Alicante in Spain I happened to pass two young women, likely students, in conversation. They were discussing their fears about robots taking over. I know it was rude, and I apologized for my intrusion, but I wanted to assure them they had nothing to fear from robots, it's the human beings who control the robots that we may need to fear.

I briefly explained my reasoning. No philosopher, psychologist or neuroscientist can tell you what makes a human being intelligent, conscious, have emotions, or how humans experience that feeling and sense of being someone in the world.

I was reminded of this chance meeting when listening to the program 'Robots', the first in the series 'Revolution: Ideas that Changed the World' on BBC 2.'
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