loss of confidence

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loss of confidence

Post by optimist »

i seem to be going along ok andthen i just seem to lose it - its like i don't believe I can do it - starting out on anew business that is. how is some people are so confident?
ta / opti
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Re: loss of confidence

Post by silmcoach »

Hi opti,

Confidence is as much about believing in yourself as checking out the facts and figures. Belief or conviction involves emotion systems within the brain that have no logical function. So when your belief or confidence "falls away" (just as feeling happy or sad can) the logical side often kicks in with thoughts to rationalise the feeling. 'I'm not clever enough to do this'; 'I don't have the experience.'

The trick is to use counter positive arguments. 'Okay, it won't be easy, but I've taken on challenges before and come out okay.'

But emotions can also be feedback from unconscious thinking and may reflect realistic concerns. It might be worth going over facts and figures. Business plans and cashflows are not everyones favourite but you can gain confidence from knowing you've carefully thoughts things through and it works okay on paper. This business 'Dreamaid' was based on belief and conviction alone.

Here is a link to an article about Super Confidence.

Best wishes / silmcoach
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Re: loss of confidence

Post by optimist »

Thanks silmcoach,
i actually wrote a list of things i'd done well or achieved in the past and pinned it up on the wall. so anytime I doubt myself i look at it and feel good about myself.
nice one! :D
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