Can the human mind or personlity be uploaded to a computer?

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Can the human mind or personlity be uploaded to a computer?

Post by silmcoach »

In “The Immortalists" Dimitry Itskov explains that it is his intention to upload his personality to another body. To achieve this aim he is making a considerable investment funding scientific research via his project ‘Initiative 2045’.

He believes that the brain is a computational machine that stores information, hence it should be possible to upload that information, his personality, to a machine that can simulate his original mind. However, some neuroscientists think he is crazy. They believe it is impossible to replicate in a machine the dynamic complexity of the brain from which the human condition emerges.

Is it naïve to think of a mind or personality as “composed” purely of information? It is possible to experience a state of consciousness that transcends thought. Fear is experienced first; thoughts about the experience of fear follow, or there may be a sudden switch to defensive anger or aggression, or even amusement at the realisation there was no one there, it was just the wind that blew the door shut.
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